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Full Flower Herbs

Milk Thistle Tincture

Milk Thistle Tincture

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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Milk thistle seed tincture, a “trophorestorative” to the liver. Trophorestoratives restore structure and function to organs. Taken over time, it can restore this organ to health, improving assimilation of nutrients and overall health. Milk thistle is powerful enough to provide some relief in the case of a hangover, and is also on one of the most effective and quick acting galactagogue herbs—increasing milk supply in nursing parents.

CONTAINS // Organic milk thistle seed (Silybum marianum), 70% organic cane alcohol.

SUGGESTED USE // Helpful with skin problems, and inflammatory conditions, and liver disfunction. Shake bottle. Adults take 2 mL (~2 droppers) 2-3x per day. Safe for general use. Store in a cool, dark place.


Available in 1, 2 (pictured), and 4oz cobalt glass dropper bottles.

One ounce contains 15 2-mL servings. Taken at 2 mL 2x/day, one ounce will last about a week. This standard dosage is for a 150 pound adult and may be adjusted in proportion to the weight of the user. For instance, a 30 pound child would take 1/5 of the 2 mL dose, or 2/5 mL, about half a dropperful. We are happy to help determine the dosage. 


DISCLAIMER // Full Flower Herbs’ products and services are not a substitute for being evaluated by a doctor or health provider. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA. This information and product are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or illnesses. Please consult your healthcare provider and conduct your own research for any possible contraindications or interactions with current medications. Use this product at your own risk. Full Flower Herbs is not responsible for the improper use, reactions, or results of how you use this product. Thanks for your understanding.​​

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